
We witness a miracle every time a child enters
into life. But those who make their journey home across time and miles,
growing within the hearts of those who wait for them, are carried on the wings
of destiny and placed among us by God's very own hands.

~Kristi Larson


The music playing is some of my favorite songs that have inspired me and kept me moving through those difficult days where I find myself missing Katie and struggling to understand God's timing. I would encourage you to continue listening to the music even when you are done reading our updates!

Katie Jane Na Harris

Katie Jane Na Harris
Let them eat cake!!!

Our Journey to Katie Jane..........

Follow our journey to bring home an amazing little girl named Dang Qing Na, who will forever be known as Katie Jane Na Harris, the love of this families lives!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Another great day for Katie!

Today we went to visit a budhist temple.  One of the monks was very agressive with the kiddos.  He meant well but he sure scared a lot of kids.  He grabbed one little boys hands and would not let go even after the child was screaming bloody murder.  The temple was beautiful with georgous red lanterns hanging from the banyan trees.  The banyan trees are georgeous because they have roots growing down from the branches which looks like moss.  We went to a shoping distsrict where I bought a Jade necklace that has "mother and daughter" inscribed on it in Chinese. 
So Katie did great today!  I was not only able to hold her without her screaming, she didn't even put up a fight.  She didn't look thrilled about it but she wasnt trying to escape my clutches in an attempt to retreat to the safety of daddy's arms.  My back hurt like hell but my heart felt great!  I also got her to smile at me several times when I tickled her.  Prior to now, when I tickled her she was a locked vault, a frozen tundra without emotion, a code that could not be cracked.  But today I outsmarted her and I got smiles!  And to top it off, when I was feeding her a rediculously unhealthy partially hydrogenated, MSG filled muffin that she will never again get to eat once we are home, I got her to give me some kisses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It was sooooo worth every single empty useless calorie because it made her happy and I got kisses.  Not just the kind that you have to steal.  These were the kind where she tilted her head back and stuck out her little lips and left sugar crumbs in my lipstick.  It was AMAZING and wonderful and the best day I have had here yet!  Of course, I began to cry and had to hide my tears from her. 
Right now she is down for a nap and then we are off to get her Visa photo.  Nope, not the kind where she can go buy clothing.  She is spoiled but not THAT spoiled.  This is so she can travel back to the US.  I have to say that I really like Guanghzou which is such a huge relief because I truly could not stand the last city.  The shop owners here are so inviting and pleasant and most of them speak fairly good english (not a priority, but definately a "nicety").  The food is so much better and the hotel is really quite nice.  The grounds are very lush and green and there are two outside swimming pools.  The traffic is very manageable and the streets are not packed with smoking, pushing, rude people!  It's so nice!  I have to say I am very relieved that we got to spend time here because now I will go back to America with a much better impression of China.  I was worried that I was going to go back with bad feelings towards my daughters country, which would be horrible.  I want to appreciate where my daughter came from.  That is important to me.  Plus, the shopping is great here!  My husband is already drawing up the divorce papers based on all the money I am spending (bought 3 pairs of squeeky shoes for both Katie and Brooke!).  Haha!
I hope to give her a gift each year on Gotcha Day, something to reflect our excitement for this amazing day, the day we first got to hold our daughter.
Oh, and I almost forgot the most exciting part!  She loves bows in her hair!!!!  For anyone who knows my other daughter Brooke, we nearly come to blows every morning because I have an entire drawer full of ribbons and bows and she refuses to let me put them in her hair!  But Katie is my saving grace because she bends her head down for me to put a bow in and then she reaches up to feel that its still there during the day.  It's so sweet.  I just love to watch her look at herself in the mirror and hope she feels pretty. 
I am going to attach some photos from todays outing. 

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