
We witness a miracle every time a child enters
into life. But those who make their journey home across time and miles,
growing within the hearts of those who wait for them, are carried on the wings
of destiny and placed among us by God's very own hands.

~Kristi Larson


The music playing is some of my favorite songs that have inspired me and kept me moving through those difficult days where I find myself missing Katie and struggling to understand God's timing. I would encourage you to continue listening to the music even when you are done reading our updates!

Katie Jane Na Harris

Katie Jane Na Harris
Let them eat cake!!!

Our Journey to Katie Jane..........

Follow our journey to bring home an amazing little girl named Dang Qing Na, who will forever be known as Katie Jane Na Harris, the love of this families lives!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

more pics

For some reason it will only allow me to upload 1 photo per blog entry.  Buggin....  You will have to view "older posts" to see each of the pictures I post.  Sorry!  We leave tomorrow morning for our daughters Province and we get her the next morning!  Pray she does not rip all my hair out when first handed to me!

1 comment:

  1. Great photos Kristie! So excited for you - perhaps "today" here is already "tomorow" there and you have finally met Katie Jane? Love from Colorado - Catherine
