
We witness a miracle every time a child enters
into life. But those who make their journey home across time and miles,
growing within the hearts of those who wait for them, are carried on the wings
of destiny and placed among us by God's very own hands.

~Kristi Larson


The music playing is some of my favorite songs that have inspired me and kept me moving through those difficult days where I find myself missing Katie and struggling to understand God's timing. I would encourage you to continue listening to the music even when you are done reading our updates!

Katie Jane Na Harris

Katie Jane Na Harris
Let them eat cake!!!

Our Journey to Katie Jane..........

Follow our journey to bring home an amazing little girl named Dang Qing Na, who will forever be known as Katie Jane Na Harris, the love of this families lives!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Guangzhou zoo and Katie's birthday picture

Yesterday we went to the Guangzhou zoo.  I was not expecting much, but was pleasantly suprised!  It was beautiful and they had it set up where you had more opportunities to view the animals much closer than we do back in the states.  The kids got to go in and feed the giraffes which was really fun to watch and the landscaping and grounds where just beautiful.  Katie let me hold her the majority of the time (still giving me the stink-eye) but at least we got a little time together.  This morning at breakfast we are going to attempt to put her in a high chair so that we can eat without spilling all over her and ourselves. 
We also did the infomous "red couch" photos yesterday.  For those of you in the adoption world, you probably know what I am referring to.  At the White Swan Hotel there is a big red couch where all the kids get dressed in traditional silk dresses or suits and sit for a photo.  Generally the kiddos are screaming which is what occurred yesterday, but we all got a kick out of it.  Katie was wearing a dress that was about 4 sizes to big for her, but the lady at the dress store insisted that it was the correct size even though it says its a size 6!  Oh well, something to grow into, right?
We all went out to eat at a Contonese restaurant which was amazing.  We ate duck, pork, veggies, some stuff that I don't want to know what it was because it was really good, etc.  Katie ate like Frank the Tank.  I don't know where this child puts it.  She has to have gained several pounds while we have been here as she eats more than I do.
We are going to go swimming again later and visit a Christian owned store here on the island that I have somehow missed. 
Katie is definately coming out of her shell a little more each and every day.  She still is not a big fan of mommy and does not want me to touch her if she can get away with it.  Good thing she is so stinkin' cute so I just wait and wait and hope she comes around sooner rather than later!


  1. I've enjoyed following your blog, and you're right...Katie is totally stinkin' cute. We loved Jordon's, he's a sweet guy and a Christian. We bought quite a bit from him :)

  2. Hey Kristie! love the pics of Katie. What a cutie. Emily and I were talking about you the other day. I miss talking with you, please have a happy and safe journey back home. Can't wait to hear about when all the kids get to meet for the first time!!!

